Living Well is Living Level

Level Wellness is an online based coaching focusing on getting clients to their healthiest and happiest selves. Level Wellness was founded by Teresa Johnson in 2014 who is a certified nutritionist, personal trainer, and diet “survivor”.

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Level Wellness Services

Wellness and Nutrition Coaching

On Demand Workouts

Online Personal Training

Personalized Coaching App

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Since 2012, I’ve coached and trained clients from 8 to 80 years old in varying stages of health, including overweight children, young athletes, coma survivors, new moms and overweight and obese individuals.

Here’s what a few of them have to say about Level Wellness:





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Living Well is Living Level

The Latest from Level Wellness

Why Healthy Habits are the Foundation for Change

If you have followed me for any length of time, you know that I feel strongly that lasting change doesn’t happen overnight. What finally got me on the road out of obesity was not big, major changes, but focusing on smaller ones aka changing my habits. This blog post talks about the power of healthy habits, why they matter, and how to implement them in a lasting way.

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