Latest From Level Wellness

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Why Healthy Habits are the Foundation for Change

Why Healthy Habits are the Foundation for Change

If you have followed me for any length of time, you know that I feel strongly that lasting change doesn’t happen overnight. What finally got me on the road out of obesity was not big, major changes, but focusing on smaller ones aka changing my habits. This blog post talks about the power of healthy habits, why they matter, and how to implement them in a lasting way.
How to Start Eating Healthier: A Beginner's Guide

How to Start Eating Healthier: A Beginner's Guide

Looking to eat healthier but don’t know where to start? This post is for you! It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the conflicting information out there about healthy eating. You may even jump from diet to diet, only to fall back into your old habits over and over again, but let's break the cycle and find some balance. Read the post to find out how!
Every Wellness Journey Includes Detours

Every Wellness Journey Includes Detours

Not every day, week, month, or even year is going to be one where you stay completely on track with your health goals. Don't let the "detours" get you down! They are a normal part of your health journey. Find out how to navigate them in this blog post.
This isn't Hard; How I'm Running 50 miles

This isn't Hard; How I'm Running 50 miles

Training to run 50 miles is hardly about running. It's so much more about getting past mental road blocks and shifting mindset
10 Stretches You Can Do at Work: Stay Active and Energized Throughout Your Day

10 Stretches You Can Do at Work: Stay Active and Energized Throughout Your Day

Do you fight stiffness and fatigue during your work day? Try these quick stretches to help you stay loose and alert all day long
You Have Goals, But Do You Have a Plan?

You Have Goals, But Do You Have a Plan?

Intentional planning can help you get to your goals. It doesn't take much to get started. Set a timer for 5 to 10 minutes and just think through your day.
The 1 Major Change that Helped Me Get Out of Obesity

The 1 Major Change that Helped Me Get Out of Obesity

There is one major thing that helped me go from starving to feeling satisfied and that is increasing my protein. Increasing your protein can help you combat hunger and not keep reaching for that next snack.
Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Motivation

Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Motivation

If you are struggling to feel like you stay motivated, remember it's really not about motivation, but switching your mindset around the things you aren't wanting to do.